About Us
Written on Jan 1, 2016, 7:52 PM by

My name is Michele Blackburn. My husband and I own a dog waste removal service company called Doody Master, Inc. We service the Rochester, NY area. We have been in business since 2005, so we know a little about running this type of business. We started from scratch, which is definitely different than buying an existing business. When we first started this, we thought it would be easy. All we need is a vehicle and some manual labor, right? We soon found out there is much more involved than that, that’s for sure.
My blog is going to be about our experience with starting and running this type of service and I will discuss some things you may never have thought about. Can you have a business like this? Do you want a business like this? Of course you can have this type of business, but what is really involved?
Please note, I am not a professional writer or blogger. I am a professional pooper scooper of course! lol