What is the best way to advertise?
Written on Feb 7, 2016, 6:07 AM by

That is the million dollar question. Everyone always wants to know the answer to this. There are companies all over that make a lot of money trying to answer this question. Once you start your business and people begin to notice you, you will begin to receive many phone calls from people claiming to have the answer. They want you to spend lots of money because their product is the only way to succeed.
It's interesting that all of them seem to say that, so what gives? The answer for me has always been everything works, a little. I know this answer really stinks, but it is true. There is no "one thing" that is going to do it for you. Every business owner no matter what they do has the same issue. If you aren't a huge brand with lots of money, there is no way you can afford television or radio commercials every few minutes. When you think of fast food or auto franchises, you think of all the commercials you see or hear.
If you don't remember anything else, remember this... You can easily go out of business if you keep spending your money on advertising that doesn't work. It happens all the time. If you are working another job and don't need to make money from your business yet, this is a good time to try different types of advertising.
In today's world of everyone searching on-line, I would say that your website is the most important part. Your website is the first place many people will see your company and for many people the last place. What will their perception be? You can spend a lot of money on your website or you can do it yourself.
In the end, there are many ways to get new clients but there is not only one way. We will discuss each type of advertising on this blog.
Until next time…. The doody is really piling up.
Michele Blackburn
Doody Master, Inc.